The Arrogant Sons of Bitches (ASOB for short) were a 6 piece ska punk band from Long Island, NY. In 1995, Joe Werfleman and Jeff Rosenstock thought it would be a good idea to start a band to try and pick up girls and, as Rosenstock said, “we followed through on that, unlike many of us following through on education.” He went on to say that the goal of the band “is to make music real people can relate to and possibly learn from mistakes that we make…and to prove that ska music doesn’t suck, it just needs a kick in the ass.” During their energetic live shows, ASOB always made it a point to get the crowd involved, whether it consisted of nine or nine-hundred people. Their mixture of chaos, humor and catchy sing-alongs has made their live performances equally loved by fans and critics.

Artist : The Arrogant Sons of Bitches
Album : All the Little Ones are Rotting Deluxe
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. So Let's Go Nowhere (2:31)
2. Kill the President (3:40)
3. Royale Fuck Deluxe (2002 Megamix) (3:09)
4. Abandon Ship (3:19)
5. Someone Wrote This Song Already (1:20)
6. RADIO SINGLE. (1:47)
7. Sorry. We Steal. (2:29)
8. RSTLNE (3:22)
9. Built to Fail, Motherfucker! (0:34)
10. I, Musical Genius (3:45)
11. BFFAEAE (3:58)
12. No! No! No! No! No! (3:03)
Total Playing Time: 33:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 40,3 MB (42*271*946 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons of Bitches----All the Little Ones are Rotting Deluxe

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : Built To Fail
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. I Like Green Day (0:21)
2. Abnormality (2:48)
3. I Hate Punk Rock (3:23)
4. The Song That The Girl Sings (2:06)
5. I Pissed In Your Mountain Dew (2:02)
6. 2445 (2:53)
7. The Pez Song (1:41)
8. Where's My Sleeve (2:50)
9. Smelly (2:22)
10. Spitpile (0:58)
11. The Guy From Subway (3:11)
12. That's What Friends Are For (3:49)
13. Why Do All The Hot Girls Go Emo? (0:48)
Total Playing Time: 29:18 (min:sec)
Total Size : 39,9 MB (41*877*365 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----Built To Fail

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : Built To Fail +
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. I Just Wanna Have Sex With You (1:01)
2. Fuck You (demo) (3:29)
3. Go Ska (demo) (2:06)
4. Got Filk (demo) (2:57)
Total Playing Time: 9:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 8,8 MB (9*229*220 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----Built To Fail +

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : Pornocracy
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Pornocracy (1:50)
2. Go Ska! (2:01)
3. Royale Fuck Deluxe (3:15)
4. Meatheads Attack Spencer At 9 (1:56)
5. Fifteen Stitches And A Headache (4:28)
6. Melon Country (2:35)
7. Better Off Dead (0:26)
8. Pete Is Murder (3:51)
9. November Rain (3:24)
10. Everything But The Pizza (3:11)
11. American Penis (3:48)
12. This Song Has No Effect On You (3:50)
13. I Just Wanna Have Sex With You (0:55)
14. Got Filk? (1:54)
15. Fuck You (3:10)
16. Kill Your Cats And Eat Their Ovaries (0:31)
17. ... And the Flame Dies Out Again (2:40)
Total Playing Time: 43:54 (min:sec)
Total Size : 97,9 MB (102*663*427 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----Pornocracy

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : The Apology
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Abandon Ship (3:38)
2. Radio Single (2:51)
3. Last Bell I'll Ever Hear (1:42)
4. Rstlne (4:16)
5. Built To Fail, Motherfucker (0:56)
6. Built To Fail, Motherfucker (0:36)
7. Santa Monica (5:12)
8. I Pissed In Your Mountain Dew (2:32)
9. Abnormality (2:43)
10. I Pissed In Your Mountain Dew (2:24)
11. Plaid Girl (1:42)
12. Smelly (2:48)
13. The Guy From Subway (3:05)
14. Spitpile (0:57)
15. Jared Cohn Can Suck My Cock (1:21)
16. Theme Song (1:53)
17. Fuck You (Demo) (3:30)
18. Go Ska (Demo) (2:06)
19. Got Filk (Demo) (2:58)
20. I Just Wanna Have Sex With You (Demo) (1:02)
21. ...And The Flame Dies Out Again (Acoustic) (3:00)
22. Radio Id (0:06)
23. No! No! No! No! No! (3:03)
24. Somebody Wrote This Song Already (Demo) (0:38)
25. Guiness World Record For The Longest Night Ever (4:17)
26. So Let's Go Nowhere (Demo) (2:24)
27. Kill The President (Demo) (3:33)
28. Yeah I Don't Know What It's Like To Be Around A Bunch Of Hipsters (Demo) (3:47)
29. Radio (Demo) (2:34)
30. Piss Off (Demo) (2:43)
31. Disappointment At The Taco Bell (Demo) (3:40)
Total Playing Time: 78:12 (min:sec)
Total Size : 72,6 MB (76*108*988 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----The Apology

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : The Arrogant Sons of Bitches
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Sorry. We Steal. (2:28)
2. Rstlne (3:22)
3. So Let's Go Nowhere (2:31)
4. Kill The President (3:39)
5. Royale Fuck Deluxe (3:09)
6. Abandon Ship (3:19)
7. Somebody Wrote This Song Already (1:20)
8. Radio Single. (1:47)
9. Built To Fail, Motherfuck (0:34)
10. Pornocracy (1:50)
11. Go Ska! (2:01)
12. Royale Fuck Deluxe (3:16)
13. Meatheads Attack Spencer At 9 (1:56)
14. Fifteen Stitches And A Headache (4:29)
15. Melon Country (2:35)
16. Better Off Dead (0:26)
17. Pete Is Murder (3:52)
18. November Rain (3:24)
19. Everything But The Pizza (3:12)
20. American Penis (3:48)
21. This Song Has No Effect On You (3:51)
22. I Just Wanna Have Sex With You (0:55)
23. Got Filk (1:54)
24. Fuck You. (3:10)
25. Kill Your Cats (0:31)
26. ...And The Flame Dies Out Again (2:40)
Total Playing Time: 66:11 (min:sec)
Total Size : 60,7 MB (63*648*944 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----The Arrogant Sons of Bitches

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : This Is What You Get
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (0:53)
2. 2+2=5 (2:32)
3. Airbag (1:47)
4. Paranoid Android (4:47)
5. ____________ (1:07)
6. My Iron Lung (3:23)
7. Fitter Happier (1:08)
8. No Surprises (1:36)
9. ___________ (0:56)
10. Just (3:21)
11. Exit Music (for a film) (2:26)
12. Fake Plastic Trees (6:34)
13. Karma Police (3:39)
14. Motion Picture Soundtrack (1:54)
15. __________ (0:41)
16. True Love Waits (4:17)
Total Playing Time: 41:09 (min:sec)
Total Size : 56,9 MB (59*692*284 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----This Is What You Get

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : Three Cheers For Disappointment
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~270K/s
Track Listing
1. The Last Bell I Will Ever Hear (1:07)
2. (I Must Be A Proctologist Because) All I Do Is Deal With Assholes (2:03)
3. So Lets Go! Nowhere (2:20)
4. Kill The President (4:25)
5. People Pops & Fudgesicles For The Hit Factory (2:17)
6. RocketRocketRocketship (3:39)
7. 1-800-Alarm-Me (3:31)
8. I've Got Enemies In High Places (2:20)
9. Disappointment At The Taco Bell (3:39)
10. Piss Off (2:57)
11. Have Fun Rotting By Yourself (3:00)
12. "Yeah, I Don't Know What It's Like To Be Around A Bunch Of Hipsters" (4:15)
13. Last On My List (3:21)
Total Playing Time: 39:01 (min:sec)
Total Size : 75,2 MB (78*868*561 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----Three Cheers For Disappointment

Artist : The Arrogant Sons of Bitches
Album : All the Little Ones are Rotting Deluxe
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. So Let's Go Nowhere (2:31)
2. Kill the President (3:40)
3. Royale Fuck Deluxe (2002 Megamix) (3:09)
4. Abandon Ship (3:19)
5. Someone Wrote This Song Already (1:20)
6. RADIO SINGLE. (1:47)
7. Sorry. We Steal. (2:29)
8. RSTLNE (3:22)
9. Built to Fail, Motherfucker! (0:34)
10. I, Musical Genius (3:45)
11. BFFAEAE (3:58)
12. No! No! No! No! No! (3:03)
Total Playing Time: 33:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 40,3 MB (42*271*946 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons of Bitches----All the Little Ones are Rotting Deluxe

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : Built To Fail
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. I Like Green Day (0:21)
2. Abnormality (2:48)
3. I Hate Punk Rock (3:23)
4. The Song That The Girl Sings (2:06)
5. I Pissed In Your Mountain Dew (2:02)
6. 2445 (2:53)
7. The Pez Song (1:41)
8. Where's My Sleeve (2:50)
9. Smelly (2:22)
10. Spitpile (0:58)
11. The Guy From Subway (3:11)
12. That's What Friends Are For (3:49)
13. Why Do All The Hot Girls Go Emo? (0:48)
Total Playing Time: 29:18 (min:sec)
Total Size : 39,9 MB (41*877*365 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----Built To Fail

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : Built To Fail +
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. I Just Wanna Have Sex With You (1:01)
2. Fuck You (demo) (3:29)
3. Go Ska (demo) (2:06)
4. Got Filk (demo) (2:57)
Total Playing Time: 9:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 8,8 MB (9*229*220 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----Built To Fail +

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : Pornocracy
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Pornocracy (1:50)
2. Go Ska! (2:01)
3. Royale Fuck Deluxe (3:15)
4. Meatheads Attack Spencer At 9 (1:56)
5. Fifteen Stitches And A Headache (4:28)
6. Melon Country (2:35)
7. Better Off Dead (0:26)
8. Pete Is Murder (3:51)
9. November Rain (3:24)
10. Everything But The Pizza (3:11)
11. American Penis (3:48)
12. This Song Has No Effect On You (3:50)
13. I Just Wanna Have Sex With You (0:55)
14. Got Filk? (1:54)
15. Fuck You (3:10)
16. Kill Your Cats And Eat Their Ovaries (0:31)
17. ... And the Flame Dies Out Again (2:40)
Total Playing Time: 43:54 (min:sec)
Total Size : 97,9 MB (102*663*427 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----Pornocracy

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : The Apology
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Abandon Ship (3:38)
2. Radio Single (2:51)
3. Last Bell I'll Ever Hear (1:42)
4. Rstlne (4:16)
5. Built To Fail, Motherfucker (0:56)
6. Built To Fail, Motherfucker (0:36)
7. Santa Monica (5:12)
8. I Pissed In Your Mountain Dew (2:32)
9. Abnormality (2:43)
10. I Pissed In Your Mountain Dew (2:24)
11. Plaid Girl (1:42)
12. Smelly (2:48)
13. The Guy From Subway (3:05)
14. Spitpile (0:57)
15. Jared Cohn Can Suck My Cock (1:21)
16. Theme Song (1:53)
17. Fuck You (Demo) (3:30)
18. Go Ska (Demo) (2:06)
19. Got Filk (Demo) (2:58)
20. I Just Wanna Have Sex With You (Demo) (1:02)
21. ...And The Flame Dies Out Again (Acoustic) (3:00)
22. Radio Id (0:06)
23. No! No! No! No! No! (3:03)
24. Somebody Wrote This Song Already (Demo) (0:38)
25. Guiness World Record For The Longest Night Ever (4:17)
26. So Let's Go Nowhere (Demo) (2:24)
27. Kill The President (Demo) (3:33)
28. Yeah I Don't Know What It's Like To Be Around A Bunch Of Hipsters (Demo) (3:47)
29. Radio (Demo) (2:34)
30. Piss Off (Demo) (2:43)
31. Disappointment At The Taco Bell (Demo) (3:40)
Total Playing Time: 78:12 (min:sec)
Total Size : 72,6 MB (76*108*988 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----The Apology

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : The Arrogant Sons of Bitches
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Sorry. We Steal. (2:28)
2. Rstlne (3:22)
3. So Let's Go Nowhere (2:31)
4. Kill The President (3:39)
5. Royale Fuck Deluxe (3:09)
6. Abandon Ship (3:19)
7. Somebody Wrote This Song Already (1:20)
8. Radio Single. (1:47)
9. Built To Fail, Motherfuck (0:34)
10. Pornocracy (1:50)
11. Go Ska! (2:01)
12. Royale Fuck Deluxe (3:16)
13. Meatheads Attack Spencer At 9 (1:56)
14. Fifteen Stitches And A Headache (4:29)
15. Melon Country (2:35)
16. Better Off Dead (0:26)
17. Pete Is Murder (3:52)
18. November Rain (3:24)
19. Everything But The Pizza (3:12)
20. American Penis (3:48)
21. This Song Has No Effect On You (3:51)
22. I Just Wanna Have Sex With You (0:55)
23. Got Filk (1:54)
24. Fuck You. (3:10)
25. Kill Your Cats (0:31)
26. ...And The Flame Dies Out Again (2:40)
Total Playing Time: 66:11 (min:sec)
Total Size : 60,7 MB (63*648*944 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----The Arrogant Sons of Bitches

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : This Is What You Get
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (0:53)
2. 2+2=5 (2:32)
3. Airbag (1:47)
4. Paranoid Android (4:47)
5. ____________ (1:07)
6. My Iron Lung (3:23)
7. Fitter Happier (1:08)
8. No Surprises (1:36)
9. ___________ (0:56)
10. Just (3:21)
11. Exit Music (for a film) (2:26)
12. Fake Plastic Trees (6:34)
13. Karma Police (3:39)
14. Motion Picture Soundtrack (1:54)
15. __________ (0:41)
16. True Love Waits (4:17)
Total Playing Time: 41:09 (min:sec)
Total Size : 56,9 MB (59*692*284 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----This Is What You Get

Artist : The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches
Album : Three Cheers For Disappointment
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~270K/s
Track Listing
1. The Last Bell I Will Ever Hear (1:07)
2. (I Must Be A Proctologist Because) All I Do Is Deal With Assholes (2:03)
3. So Lets Go! Nowhere (2:20)
4. Kill The President (4:25)
5. People Pops & Fudgesicles For The Hit Factory (2:17)
6. RocketRocketRocketship (3:39)
7. 1-800-Alarm-Me (3:31)
8. I've Got Enemies In High Places (2:20)
9. Disappointment At The Taco Bell (3:39)
10. Piss Off (2:57)
11. Have Fun Rotting By Yourself (3:00)
12. "Yeah, I Don't Know What It's Like To Be Around A Bunch Of Hipsters" (4:15)
13. Last On My List (3:21)
Total Playing Time: 39:01 (min:sec)
Total Size : 75,2 MB (78*868*561 bytes)
The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches----Three Cheers For Disappointment
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