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3 Feet Short----Hypocritically Acclaimed
P.S Пока что только на -=Ska-Punk=-.
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3 Feet Short ---- Hypocritically Acclaimed
P.S So far only on - = Ska-Punk = -.
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среда, 15 мая 2019 г.

The Homecoming Queens

The Homecoming Queens, often referred to as THQ, were a ska/rock band based on Long Island, NY. The band formed in 2004 while they were in high school, evolving from the pop-punk band Public Humiliation. They have opened for national acts such as Streetlight Manifesto, The Toasters, Catch 22, Big D and the Kids Table, Suburban Legends, Fishbone, The Slackers, Westbound Train, and more. Members of THQ have also played in a variety of other groups, such as Drop it Jeffrey, Tomahawk Chop, The Vagabonds, The Old Guard, and Night Fevers.
Artist : The Homecoming Queens
Album : A Sound You Once Knew
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (1:30)
2. Tom Cruise Can Not Be Stopped (3:34)
3. Summer Song (3:15)
4. 13.4 Miles (4:38)
5. Old College Try (3:42)
6. Northshore Rules You Backwards Retarted Freaks! (4:01)
7. Smoke And Mirrors (5:27)
8. Melvin Vs. The Road Test, Part II (2:39)
9. Timmy Goes To Summer Camp (3:28)
10. Bridgeportfordtonfieldsville (4:10)
11. Straightaway (4:37)
Total Playing Time: 41:08 (min:sec)
Total Size : 94,2 MB (98*778*876 bytes)
The Homecoming Queens----A Sound You Once Knew

Artist : The Homecoming Queens
Album : His Name Is Not Roberto EP
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Anti-Emo Emo Song (4:01)
2. Look Before You Leap (3:21)
3. Old College Try (3:42)
4. Tom Cruise Cannot Be Stopped (3:46)
Total Playing Time: 14:52 (min:sec)
Total Size : 13,6 MB (14*296*884 bytes)
The Homecoming Queens----His Name Is Not Roberto EP

Artist : The Homecoming Queens
Album : Songs For Names That Don't Make Sense EP
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Bridgeportfordtonfieldsville (3:35)
2. Frodo Doesn't Wear Shoes (2:54)
3. Marni Goes To Spain (3:22)
4. North Shore Rules, You Backwards Retarded Freaks! (3:01)
5. Timmy Goes To Summer Camp (3:05)
Total Playing Time: 15:58 (min:sec)
Total Size : 14,7 MB (15*363*557 bytes)
The Homecoming Queens----Songs For Names That Don't Make Sense EP

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